The Journal

The Project


ProtoSociology is an interdisciplinary journal which crosses the borders of philosophy, social sciences, and their corresponding disciplines for more than two decades. Each issue concentrates on a specific topic taken from the current discussion to which scientists from different fields contribute the results of their research.

Proto-Sociology Vol. 39 – 2022, Physicalism, or Something Near Enough
In memory of Jaegwon Kim
Ed. by Terry Horgan and Brian McLaughlin


ProtoSciology cooperates now with the Philosophy Documentation Center to provide easy online access for institutional and single users.

ProtoSociology is further a project that examines the nature of mind, language and social systems. In this context theoretical work has been done by investigating such theoretical concepts like interpretation and (social) action, globalization, the global world-system, social evolution, and the sociology of membership. Our purpose is to initiate and enforce basic research on relevant topics from different perspectives and traditions.

New Publications:

Shmuel N. Eisenstadts Soziologie: Von der Institutionenanalyse zur Zivilisationsforschung und Multiple Modernites, Gerhard Preyer, Springer, Wiesbaden 2023

Sociology of the Next Society: Multiple Modernities, Glocalization and Membership Order, Gerhard Preyer and Reuß-Markus Krauße.Springer, Heidelberg 2023

Free Will and Evolution, Ingvar Johansson

Philosophie des Mentalen: Supervenienz, reduktiver, nicht-reduktiver Physikalismus und mentale Kausalität, Gerhard Preyer und Erwin Rogler

Soziologische Theorie der Gegenwartsgesellschaft I, II, III (2. überarb. Aufl.) Gerhard Preyer

Transdisziplinäre Gespräche

Dieter Henrichs Theorie des Selbstbewußtseins und ihre Entwicklung, mit Holger Gutschmidt

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