Multiple Modernities and the Theory of Indeterminacy– On the Development and Theoretical Foundations of the Historical Sociology of Shmuel N. Eisenstadt
Manussos Marangudakis
Dissent of China’s Public Intellectuals in the Post-Mao Era
Merle Goldman
Modernization of Law in China – its Meaning, Achievements, Obstacles and Prospect
Qingbo Zhang
China’s State in the Trenches: A Gramscian Analysis of Civil Society
and Rights-Based Litigation
Scott Wilson
Manufacturing Dissent: Domestic and International Ramifications of China’s Summer of Labor Unrest
Francis Schortgen and Shalendra Sharma
Business Opportunities and Philanthropic Initiatives: Private
Entrepreneurs, Welfare Provision and the Prospects for Social Change
in China
Beatriz Carrillo Garcia
Time, Politics and Homelessness in Contemporary Japan
Ritu Vij
Educational Modernisation Across the Taiwan Straits:
Pedagogical Transformation in Primary School Moral Education
Textbooks in the PRC and Taiwan
David C. Schak
Is China Saving Global Capitalism from the Global Crisis?
Ho-fung Hung
International Development, Paradox and Phronesis
Robert Kowalski
Précis of “The World in the Head”
Robert Cummins
Communication, Cooperation and Conflict
Steffen Borge
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