Introduction: Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness and the De Se Constraint: The Legacy of the Heidelberg School
Marc Borner, Manfred Frank, Kenneth Williford
From “Fichte’s Original Insight” to a Moderate Defence of Self-Representationalism
Manfred Frank
From Metafact to Metaphysics in the “Heidelberg School”
James G. Hart
The “I Think” What it is all About: Self-Knowing, Self-Thinking, Self-Consciousness
Gerhard Seel
Reflexivity, Transparency, and Illusionism: Engaging Garfield
Dan Zahavi
Reflecting on Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness
Robert J. Howell
Varieties of Self-Apprehension
Anna Giustina
What has Transparency to do with Husserlian Phenomenology?
Chad Kidd
Towards a Non-Self-Representational Account of Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness
Kristina Musholt
Liminal Manifestation and the Elusive Nature of Consciousness
Matthew C. Eshleman
Pre-Reflective vs. Reflexive Self-Awareness
Terence Horgan
Subjective Character, the Ego and De Se Representation: Phenomenological, Metaphysical and Representational Considerations on Pre-Reflective Self-awareness
Miguel Ángel Sebastián
Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness and the Heidelberg Problem
Josh Weisberg
Some Comments on Josh Weisberg's "Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness and the Heidelberg Problem"
Gerhard Preyer
Self-Acquaintance and Three Regress Arguments
Kenneth Williford
The Senses of a Bodily Self
Shaun Gallagher
Pre-Reflective Self-Awareness in Psychotic Disorders
Andreas Heinz
Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness as a Bodily Trait
Marc Borner
The Ubiquity of Self-Awareness
Tomis Kapitan
Non-Conceptual Egological Self-Awareness
Stefan Lang
Egological Ubiquity: Response to Stefan Lang
Tomis Kapitan
Stationen einer Freundschaft
Dieter Henrich
The Logic of Conspiracy Thought: A Research Agenda for an Era of Institutional Distrust and Fake News
Luis Roniger and Leonardo Senkman