The Journal

The Project



Introduction (pdf): Borderlines in Time of Globalization (Gerhard Preyer, Mathias Boes)

I Reconceptionalizations of the Global: Borderlines in World Society

Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt
The Continual Reconstruction of Multiple Modern Civilizations and Collective Identities

Christopher Chase-Dunn
Globalization: A World-Systems Perspective

Thomas D. Hall
World-Systems, Frontiers, and Ethnogenesis: Incorporation and Resistance to State Expansion

Richard E. Lee
After History? The Last Frontier of Historical Capitalism

II Defining Borderlines in World Society: The Emergence of New Memberships

Gerhard Preyer
Globalization and the Evolution of Membership

Barrie Axford
Enacting Globalization: Transnational Networks and the Deterritorialization of Social Relationships in the Global System

Mathias Bös
Immigration and the Open Society: The Normative Patterns of Membership in the Nation State

Uta Gerhardt, Birgitta Hohenester
A Transformation of National Identity? Refugees and German Society After World War II

Marja Keränen
Citizenship, Universal-Speak, and Local-Speak



III The Global and the Local: The Collapse and Reconstruction of Borderlines

Christie Davies, Eugene Trivizas
The Collapse of the National Morality and National Moral Boundaries of Small Peripheral Countries: not Globalisation but the Imposition of Liberty

Walter L. Bühl
Former GDR between "Transformation" and "Social Evolution"

F. Peter Wagner
Beyond "East" and "West": On the European and Global Dimensions of the Fall of Communism

Ramón Grosfoguel
‘Cultural Racism' and ‘Borders of Exclusion' in the Capitalist World-Economy: Colonial Caribbean Migrants in Core Zones

Francisco Entrena
Socio-Economic Restructurings of the Local Settings in the Era of Globalization

On a Sociology of Violence

Konrad Thomas
Ein anderes Verständnis von Gewalt: Der gesellschaftsanalytische Beitrag des Literaturwissenschaftlers René Girard

Critical Review:
ProtoSciology, Vol. 12, 1998-Special Edition: After the Received View. Developments in the Theory of Science, George N. Schlesinger


Access to the collected editions of ProtoSociology or single articles via the Philosophy Documentation Center.

Vol. 15, 2001

On a Sociology of Borderlines:
Social Process in Time of Globalization